但叫老蟑螂再搭270*270 or300*300的大帳,實在是提不出勇氣(累死人)!!
還好有這頂2 SEC 帳可以讓我試試,預計塞下3個睡墊應該也ok吧^^
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▼2012 228假期於埔里顏氏開帳
3 people. The best ventilation in hot weather.
Easy pitching / taking down = Pop-up. Folds away in 15 seconds once you get the hang of it. Free-standing. Waterproofing = Laboratory approved (WHOLE TENT under 200 litres/hr/m²!) and field tested.
Size and weight : Bedroom: 2.25m long x 1.95m wide. 4.6kg. Pitching/ folding : Instant pitching. Free-standing tent (place it wherever you like after pitching, and if there is no wind, there is no need for pegs = ready to use!). 11 pegs and 4 guy ropes included in case you need them. Folds down in 15 seconds (once you have the "knack" as shown in the instructions and on www.quechua.com).
Waterproofing : Like all Quechua tents, the waterproofing has been particularly well-developed, approved in lab tests (WHOLE TENT in a shower of 200 litres/hr/m2!) and in field tests. (PU coated polyester flysheet, 120g/m² polyethylene groundsheet, thermobonded sealed seams.) A breathable polyester bedroom under the flysheet means you aren't in contact with the condensation that forms naturally on the inside of the flysheet.
Ventilation : Air Cooling System label: 2 side panels on the flysheet can be opened up, allowing air into the bedroom through the mosquito netting (so the bedroom remains protected from insects). These panels can be left open even in the rain, and can be closed from the inside. This means that you get a good night's sleep on even the warmest of nights. It also allows you to safely see what's going on outside.
Cover : Flat disc, 75cm in diameter. Fitted with a no-zip flap, which is more practical, and 2 straps for occasional carrying.
UV protection : Our tent fabrics block over 98% of UVB and 80 to 95% of UVA rays... for those looking for daytime protection, remember that a lot of UV rays can enter through one open door.
Warranty : All our tents are guaranteed for 2 years under normal usage conditions (your invoice or receipt gives proof of purchase date and price). In the event of a problem, have your tent checked out in your local Decathlon store.
Waterproofing : Like all Quechua tents, the waterproofing has been particularly well-developed, approved in lab tests (WHOLE TENT in a shower of 200 litres/hr/m2!) and in field tests. (PU coated polyester flysheet, 120g/m² polyethylene groundsheet, thermobonded sealed seams.) A breathable polyester bedroom under the flysheet means you aren't in contact with the condensation that forms naturally on the inside of the flysheet.
Ventilation : Air Cooling System label: 2 side panels on the flysheet can be opened up, allowing air into the bedroom through the mosquito netting (so the bedroom remains protected from insects). These panels can be left open even in the rain, and can be closed from the inside. This means that you get a good night's sleep on even the warmest of nights. It also allows you to safely see what's going on outside.
Cover : Flat disc, 75cm in diameter. Fitted with a no-zip flap, which is more practical, and 2 straps for occasional carrying.
UV protection : Our tent fabrics block over 98% of UVB and 80 to 95% of UVA rays... for those looking for daytime protection, remember that a lot of UV rays can enter through one open door.
Warranty : All our tents are guaranteed for 2 years under normal usage conditions (your invoice or receipt gives proof of purchase date and price). In the event of a problem, have your tent checked out in your local Decathlon store.
恭喜入手新帳 (^.^)
不用拉營繩抗風性就相當足夠了 (^.^)
[版主回覆02/23/2012 08:57:38]昨晚我又將帳篷打開一次給老婆看,看得出來老婆有點擔心的心情^^
這頂有沒有釘營釘差很多,搭過一次你就會放心了 (^.^)
放心啦 (^.^)
[版主回覆02/24/2012 08:35:35]那麼多人都用喔,看來真是一個物美價廉的好物啊^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/11/2013 17:15:45]你好,我是在pchome網路上購買的,現在台中有間迪卡儂,你可以去電問一下有沒有囉^^